Business Data Communication and Networking

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Circuits refer to the pathways through which data travels. It can be configured in various ways depending on the requirements of the network.

Circuit configuration refers to the way communication paths are established between devices in a network. It describes the physical and logical arrangement of these paths.

Circuit Configuration

1.) Point-to-Point Configuration:

In a point-to-point configuration, there is a direct link between two devices. This setup is simple and effective for direct communication.

  • Example: A direct connection between a computer and a printer.
Point-to-Point Configuration

2.) Multipoint Configuration:

In a multipoint configuration, multiple devices share a single communication link. The link is either shared among the devices simultaneously or through time-sharing.

  • Example: A local area network (LAN) where several computers are connected to a single network hub.

Data flow refers to the direction in which data is transmitted between devices in a network.

There are three types of data flow:

1.) Simplex:

Simplex is a one-way communication mode where data flows in only one direction, from the sender to the receiver. The receiver cannot send data back to the sender.

  • Example: A keyboard (input device) sends data to a computer (output device), Television broadcasting.

2.) Half-Duplex:

Half-duplex is a two-way communication mode where data flows in both direction, but not simultaneously. At any given time, data can only travel in one direction—either from the sender to the receiver or from the receiver to the sender.

  • Example: Walkie-talkies, where communication occurs in one direction at a time.

3.) Full-Duplex:

Full-duplex is a two-way communication mode where data flows in both direction simultaneously. Both the sender and the receiver can transmit and receive data at the same time.

  • Example: Telephone communication, where both parties can speak and listen simultaneously.

Multiplexing is a technique used to combine multiple signals into one signal over a shared medium.

• It allows multiple data streams to coexist and be transmitted simultaneously over a single communication link, increasing the efficiency of data transmission.

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