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9`s & 10`s complement


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→ 9`s Complement & 10`s complement:

If the number is binary, then we use 1’s complement and 2’s complement. But in case, when the number is a decimal number, we will use the 9’s and 10’s complement.

• 9`s Complement:

The 9’s complement is used to find the subtraction of the decimal numbers.

The 9’s complement of a number is calculated by subtracting each digit of the number by 9.

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• Subtraction using 9’s complement

Step 1: Find 9`s complement of subtrahend

• Step 2: Add the 9`s complement with the minuend.

Note: If there is carry, add the carry to the result to get the final result, else find the 9`s complement of the reuslt and put negative sign to MSB.

Case 1: When the subtrahend is smaller than the minuend.

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Case 2: When the subtrahend is greater than the minuend.

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⁘ 10’s complement

The 10’s complement is also used to find the subtraction of the decimal numbers.

• The 10’s complement of a number is calculated by subtracting each digit by 9 and then adding 1 to the result. Simply, by adding 1 to its 9’s complement we can get its 10’s complement value.

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• Subtraction using 10’s complement

• Step 1: Find 10`s complement of subtrahend

Step 2: Add 10`s complement with minuend

Note: if there is any carry discard it, else again find 10`s complement of result and put negative sign to MSB.

Case 1: When the subtrahend is smaller than the minuend.

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Case 2: When the subtrahend is greater than the minuend.

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