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Decoders & Encoders

→ Decoders:

A decoder is a digital circuit that performs the opposite function of an encoder. It takes coded input signals and converts them into a set of output signals.

• They are commonly used to select or enable specific components or functions based on the encoded input.

• They are widely used in digital systems for applications such as memory addressing, data routing, control signal generation, and more.

The representation of the decoder is shown in the below image –

image 63

→ Encoders:

An encoder is a digital circuit that converts a set of input signals into a coded output representation.

• In other word, An encoder is a combinational logic circuit that essentially performs a “reverse” decoder function.

• It’s used to convert data from one format to another, often for purposes such as data compression, error detection, or multiplexing.
• They are commonly used in digital communication systems, control systems, and data processing applications.

The representation of the encoder is shown in the below image –

image 64

→ Difference between Encoder and Decoder:

image 65

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