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  5. Introduction to Memory Management

Introduction to Memory Management

Memory Management is a crucial function of an operating system (OS) that manages the computer’s primary memory, ensuring efficient allocation, tracking, and deallocation of memory resources.

  • It allows multiple programs to run simultaneously while managing the limited memory resources efficiently to maximize system performance and ensure stability.
  • Allocation and Deallocation: The OS assigns memory to processes as they need it and reclaims it when no longer in use. This ensures memory is always available for new processes.
  • Tracking Memory Usage: It maintains records of which parts of memory are in use by which processes, and which parts are free. This tracking is essential for efficient memory allocation and avoiding conflicts between processes.
  • Memory Protection: The OS ensures that each process accesses only its allocated memory. This prevents processes from interfering with each other’s memory, improving stability and security.
  • Swapping and Paging: If physical memory (RAM) is limited, the OS may move inactive data to disk storage (swapping) to free up memory. Paging breaks up memory into fixed-size blocks, making it easier to manage and access in systems that support virtual memory.
  • Virtual Memory: By creating an abstraction of physical memory, the OS can allow programs to use more memory than is physically available by managing space in RAM and disk storage.
  • Efficient Utilization: Make the most of available memory to allow as many processes to run simultaneously as possible.
  • System Performance: Minimize the time spent accessing memory, which speeds up program execution.
  • Process Isolation and Protection: Ensure each process runs in its own memory space without affecting others, promoting stability and security.

Without effective memory management, multitasking (running multiple applications simultaneously) would be impractical, as applications would compete for memory resources and could interfere with each other, causing crashes and data corruption. Memory management ensures that each program has the memory it needs to run smoothly while maximizing system performance and protecting the system’s stability.

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