- Sensation
- Selection
- Organization
- Interpretation/Translation
Here is a breakdown of each stage:
‣ Sensation:-
Sensation is the process of detecting stimuli from the environment. Our sensory receptors convert these stimuli into electrical signals that are sent to the brain. The five basic senses are sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.
‣ Selection:-
Selection is the process of paying attention to certain stimuli and ignoring others. We cannot attend to all of the stimuli in our environment at once, so we must select which stimuli are most important. Selection is influenced by our prior knowledge, expectations, and goals.
‣ Organization:-
Organization is the process of grouping and interpreting sensory information into meaningful patterns. This stage involves grouping or categorizing stimuli based on their similarities, proximity, or other organizing principles. This process is influenced by our prior knowledge and expectations.
‣ Interpretation:-
Interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to sensory information. It is influenced by various factors, including past experiences, cultural background, personal beliefs, and expectations. We draw upon our existing knowledge, schemas, and mental models to make sense of the stimuli and interpret their significance. It can lead to different perceptions of the same stimuli among different individuals.