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Forms of group decision making in organizations

forms of group decision making

Expert Decision-Making:
In expert decision-making, a designated expert or group of experts makes the decision based on their specialized knowledge and expertise. This method is efficient and leverages the competence of those with relevant skills. However, it may exclude diverse perspectives and input from other group members, potentially leading to decisions that lack a holistic view of the situation.

Executive Decision-Making:
Executive decision-making involves leaders or a small group of leaders making decisions without consulting the larger group. This approach is effective in emergency situations or when quick decisions are necessary. While it ensures a clear chain of command and accountability, it may result in decisions that do not consider the input or perspectives of the broader team, potentially affecting commitment and morale.

Default Decision-Making:
Default decision-making occurs when a decision is made by default in the absence of an active agreement or decision-making process. While this method can lead to quick decisions when alternatives are lacking, it may not necessarily result in the most informed or effective choices. Organizations should be cautious with default decision-making to ensure that it aligns with their goals and values.

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