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Introduction to Entity-Relational Model and Relational Model

The Entity-Relationship (ER) model is a high-level conceptual data model that is used to define the data elements and relationships for a specific business domain.

  • It is widely used in database design to visually represent the data and its relationships, making it easier to understand and communicate with stakeholders.

An ER Diagram (Entity-Relationship Diagram) is a graphical representation of an entity-relationship model, which is used to visualize the structure of a database.

  • It shows the relationships between entities (data objects) and their attributes, and helps in designing the database schema by illustrating the logical structure of the data.

1.) Entities:

Entities are objects or things in the real world that are distinguishable from other objects. Each entity has a set of attributes.

  • Example: In a university database, entities could be Students, Professors, and Courses.

2.) Attributes:

Attributes are properties or characteristics of an entity.

  • Example: For the Student entity, attributes might include StudentID, Name, and DateOfBirth.

3.) Relationships:

Relationships are associations among entities.

  • Example: A Student entity might have a relationship with the Course entity, indicating which courses a student is enrolled in.

4.) Keys:

  • Primary Key: A unique identifier for each entity instance.
  • Foreign Key: An attribute that creates a link between two entities.

5.) ER Diagrams:

  • A graphical representation of entities, attributes, and relationships.
  • Simplifies database design.
  • Provides a clear view of the data structure.
  • Helps identify entities and relationships.

The Relational Model is a type of database model that stores data in tables (relations).

• It is the most widely used data model and forms the foundation for relational database management systems (RDBMS).

1.) Relations (Tables):

  • A relation is a table with columns and rows.
  • Example: A table named Students with columns for StudentID, Name, and DateOfBirth.

2.) Tuples (Rows):

  • A tuple is a single row in a table, representing a single record.
  • Example: A row in the Students table representing one student.

3.) Attributes (Columns):

  • Attributes are the columns in a table, representing the data fields.
  • Example: Columns in the Students table like StudentID, Name, and DateOfBirth.

4.) Domains:

  • A domain is the set of allowable values for one or more attributes.
  • Example: The domain of the DateOfBirth attribute is valid date values.

5.) Keys:

  • Primary Key: A unique identifier for each tuple in a relation.
  • Foreign Key: An attribute that creates a link between two relations.

6.) Constraints:

  • Rules that ensure the integrity of the data.
  • Types: Primary key constraint, foreign key constraint, unique constraint, and check constraint.
  • Simplicity: Easy to understand and use.
  • Data Integrity: Maintains accuracy and consistency of data.
  • Flexibility: Allows complex queries using SQL.
  • Scalability: Can handle large amounts of data.

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