- Super Computer
- Mainframe Computer
- Mini Computer
- Micro Computer
Super Computer:
• They are largest, fastest and the most expensive computers.
• They have a large memory capacity and very high processing speed.
• They are 64-bit systems with 100 MIPS(Millions of Instructions Per Second) speed and 8 MB storage capacity.
• They are 10 times faster than other computers.
• Computation speed is in nano seconds.
• Note: These computers have multiple CPUs that can process multiple instructions at a time known as parallel processing.
• Some examples of supercomputers are: CRAY-XMP/14, CYBER 205, CDC-205.
Applications of Supercomputer:
• In petroleum Industry:
Supercomputer is used to analyze volumes of seismic data which are gathered during oil seeking explorations to identify area where there is possibility of getting petroleum product inside the earth.
• In Aerospace Industry:
Supercomputer is used to simulate airflow around an aircraft at different speed and altitude. This helps in producing an effective aeordynamic design for superior performance.
• In Automobile Industry:
Supercomputer is used to do crash simulation of the design of an automobile before it is released for manufacturing for better automobile design.
• It is used in scientific computing and research.
• It is used in military research and defense sysems.
• Digital film rendering.
• It is used to study DNA structure and genetic engineering.

Mainframe Computer:
Mainframe computer is large general purpose computer designed for large scale data processing.
• It is developed by J.Presper Eckert and John Mauchly in 1951.
• It is also called as “Enterprise Server“.
• They are large in size with large storage capacity and high processing speed.
• They support large number of terminals approximately 100.
• They have centrally located CPU.
• Less expensive than supercomputer.
• It is used in large agencies and government for large scale data processing, financial transactions.
• Some examples of mainframe computer are:- IBM 1401, IBMS/390.

Mini Computer:
It is medium size computer because it is bigger than micro computer and smaller than mainframe computer.
• It is developed by Kenneth H.Olsen in 1965.
• They support small numbers of terminals approximately 50.
• They are also general purpose computer.
• They can process more data and can support more I/O devices.
• They are more powerful than microcomputer but less powerful than mainframe computer. Hence, they are called as midrange computer.
• They are less expensive than mainframe computer but more expensive than microcomputer.
• Some examples of minicomputer are:- HP 9000, IBM 8000, Neck.

Microcomputer is the smallest computer of all with a microprocessor as its CPU.
• They are based on microchips.
• Though they are small in size, some microcomputers hava high storage and processing capacity.
• It is single user computer system.
• It supports many high level languages.
• It supports multimedia and networking.
• It supports graphics and games.
• It supports new features of I/O devices.
• It supports different types of operating system.
• Some examples of microcomputer are:- IBM, Apple.
Types of microcomputer:
- Desktop
- Laptop
- Handheld
- Netbook
- Tablet
- Smart Phones
A desktop computer is basically refer to any non-mobile computer intended for use by one computer operator at a given moment.
• A desktop computer is a personal computer that is designed to be used on a desk or other stable surface. It is typically composed of a central processing unit (CPU), memory, storage, input devices, and output devices.
• It has a faster processor, more memory and other advanced features.
• Desktop computers are typically more powerful and expandable than laptops and tablets. They are also more affordable than laptops and tablets with similar specifications.
• Note: Desktop computers are named so because they were originally designed to be used on a desk. In the early days of computing, computers were very large and expensive machines that took up entire rooms. However, as technology advanced, computers became smaller and more affordable, and they were able to be placed on desks.
• A workstation is a high-performance computer system that is designed for technical or scientific applications. It is typically more powerful and expandable than a personal computer (PC). Workstations are used by professionals in a variety of fields, including engineering, architecture, design, and finance.

A laptop, also known as a notebook computer, is a portable personal computer (PC) with a screen, keyboard, and pointing device (such as a touchpad or pointing stick) built into a single unit. Laptops are smaller and lighter than desktop computers.
• Laptops are self-contained units, so they do not require any additional peripherals, such as a monitor, keyboard, or mouse.
• Laptops are not typically as powerful as desktop computers with similar specifications. This is because laptops have limited space and power consumption constraints.
• Note: Laptops are called so because they can be placed on your lap. This is unlike desktop computers, which are typically placed on a desk. Laptops are designed to be portable, so that they can be used on the go.
• Tablets are essentially just laptops with a touch screen and possibly a pen for input.

A handheld is a portable device that can be held in one hand. Handheld devices are typically small, lightweight, and battery-powered, making them ideal for mobile use.
• It is also called as palmtop, is similar to a laptop computer but smaller.
• They are not usually so powerful.
• Some examples of handheld are:- google android, Windows mobile etc.

A Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) is similar to palmtop computer, except it is even more compact and typically has no keyboard, using a touch screen for all data input.
PDAs typically have the following features:
- A touchscreen or keyboard for input
- A small screen for displaying information
- A calendar, address book, and to-do list
- A web browser and email client
- Wireless connectivity, such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi
- Storage for data and files

A netbook is a small, lightweight, and inexpensive laptop computer designed primarily for web browsing, email, and other basic tasks. Netbooks were popular in the early 2000s, but they have since been largely replaced by tablets and smartphones.
Netbooks typically have the following features:
- A small screen (typically 10 inches or less)
- A low-power processor
- Limited storage (typically 32GB or less)
- A long battery life (typically 4-6 hours)
- A low price

A tablet computer, commonly shortened to tablet, is a mobile device, typically with a mobile operating system and touchscreen display processing circuitry, and a rechargeable battery in a single, thin and flat package.
• It has features of the notebook computer but it can accept from a stylus or a pen instead of the keyboard or mouse.

Smart Phones:
A smartphone is a portable computer device that combines mobile telephone functions and personal computing functions into one unit.
• They can be connected to the Internet wirelessly.
• They are used to access the email, download music, play games etc.
• Some examples of smart phones are:- One plus nord 8, Samsung Galaxy S23, Nokia etc.