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Model Questions Solution (II)

Ans: A computer network is a collection of interconnected devices that communicate and share resources.

Ans: The Internet is a global network of interconnected computer networks that use standardized communication protocols to exchange data.

Ans: Four preventive measures to protect computer system from virus infection are:

  • Install and regularly update antivirus software.
  • Use a firewall to block unauthorized access.
  • Avoid opening email attachments or links from unknown sources.
  • Keep operating systems and software up to date with the latest patches.

Ans: Two software used in multimedia are:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • VLC Media Player

Ans: Hardware security involves protecting physical devices from theft, damage, and unauthorized access to ensure the safety and integrity of the data and systems they support.

  • (101)10 into Binary

Ans: (101)10 = (1100101)2

  • (75)8 into Decimal

Ans: (75)8 = (61)10

  • (10101)2-(1011)2 
- 01011
  01010  => (1010)2
  • (111)2 x(11)2 
x 011
  111  (111 x 1)
 1110  (111 x 1, shift left)
10101  => (11011)2

T-connector                      Network

Bridge                               Power protection

CD-ROM                           Co-axial cable

Spike guard                     Multimedia component

                                          Virus scanning


T-connectorCo-axial cable
CD-ROMMultimedia component
Spike guardPower protection
  1. Star
  2. Ring
  3. Client server
  4. Bus

Ans: Client server

  1. 2061 BS
  2. 2062 BS
  3. 2007 BS
  4. 2016 BS

Ans: 2061 BS

  1. Education
  2. Business
  3. HealthCare’s
  4. All of the above

Ans: All of the above

  1. System files
  2. Master bott record
  3. Application software
  4. Document file

Ans: Master bott record

  • Rules and format to accept and transfer data in computer network.

Ans: protocol

  • Moral rules to be followed by computer and other professionals.

Ans: ethics

  • Making extra copy of data and software.

Ans: backup

  • A virus that corrupts system files of operating system.

Ans: boot sector virus

  1. WWW: World Wide Web
  2. MAN: Metropolitan Area Network
  3. OS: Operating System
  4. NIC: Network Interface Card

    Ans: A Database Management System (DBMS) is software that allows for the creation, retrieval, update, and management of data in databases. Two examples of DBMS software are MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server.

      Ans: Four data types used in MS-Access are Text, Number, Date/Time, and Currency.

        Ans: A form in a database context is a user-friendly interface for data entry and data modification.

        Two advantages of using forms :

        • They help ensure data accuracy
        • Simplify data entry processes for users.
        1. 4
        2. 2
        3. 8
        4. 16

        Ans: 8

        1. DBF
        2. DBM
        3. MDB
        4. DMB

        Ans: MDB

        1. Query
        2. Table
        3. Form
        4. Report

        Ans: Report

        1. Primary
        2. Foreign
        3. Composite
        4. None

        Ans: primary

        Default value                         255 character

        Fox pro                                   Column name

        Text                                         DBMS

        Field                                        Field properties


        Default value                          →  Field properties

        Fox pro                                    →  DBMS

        Text                                          →  255 character

        Field                                        →  Column name

                                                        Search fast

          Ans: Modular programming is a software design technique that emphasizes separating a program into distinct, independent modules that each handle a specific functionality.

            Ans: Two advantages of structured programming are:

            • It enhances code readability and maintainability by using clear, logical structures,
            • It reduces complexity through the use of functions or procedures, making debugging and testing easier.

              Ans: The FILES statement is used to display a list of files in a directory, while the KILL statement is used to delete one or more files from a directory.

              REM *fibonacci series*
              CALL SUB fibonacci
              SUB fibonacci
              FOR x=1 to 10
              DISPLAY a;
              END fibonacci


              REM *fibonacci series*
              CALL SUB fibonacci
              SUB fibonacci
                FOR x=1 TO 10
                  DISPLAY a;
                  temp = a + b
                  a = b
                  b = temp
                NEXT x
              END SUB
              DECLARE SUB series ( )
              CALL series
              SUB series
              FOR z=1 to 4
              PRINT x;
              NEXT z
              END SUB

              Ans: The output of the program will be:

              DECLARE FUNCTION num (n)
              INPUT n
              S = num (n)
              PRINT s
              FUNCTION num (n)
              y=15 MOD n
              Num = x+y
              END FUNCTION

              Ans: The program defines and uses a single user-defined function.

              • The name of this function is num.

              Ans: The program uses the following mathematical functions from the standard library:

              • INT function: This function is used to get the integer part of a division.
              • MOD operator: This operator is used to get the remainder of a division.


              #include <stdio.h>
              float calculateVolume(float radius, float height) {
                  const float pi = 3.14159;
                  return pi * radius * radius * height;
              int main() {
                  float radius, height, volume;
                  printf("Enter the radius of the cylinder: ");
                  scanf("%f", &radius);
                  printf("Enter the height of the cylinder: ");
                  scanf("%f", &height);
                  volume = calculateVolume(radius, height);
                  printf("Volume of the cylinder: %.2f\n", volume);
                  return 0;

              Ans: Here’s a QBASIC program to calculate and print the volume of a box using a sub-module:

              DECLARE SUB calculateVolume(length!, width!, height!)
              INPUT "Enter length of the box: ", length
              INPUT "Enter width of the box: ", width
              INPUT "Enter height of the box: ", height
              CALL calculateVolume(length, width, height)
              SUB calculateVolume(length, width, height)
                  volume = length * width * height
                  PRINT "Volume of the box: "; volume
              END SUB

              Ans: Here’s a QBASIC program to create a sequential data file “Employee.dat” to store employees’ information:

              OPEN "Employee.dat" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
                  INPUT "Enter employee name (or type 'exit' to stop): ", name$
                  IF UCASE$(name$) <> "EXIT" THEN
                      INPUT "Enter employee address: ", address$
                      INPUT "Enter employee age: ", age
                      INPUT "Enter employee gender: ", gender$
                      INPUT "Enter employee salary: ", salary
                      WRITE #1, name$, address$, age, gender$, salary
                  END IF
              LOOP UNTIL UCASE$(name$) = "EXIT"
              CLOSE #1

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