Write a program to print your full name by taking input of your first and last name.

Screenshot 2023 07 28 222913

Write a program to take input of arrays elements and displays it.

Screenshot 2023 07 28 223742

Write a program to take input of two dimensional arrays elements and displays it.

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Write a program to find the greatest number using ternary operator.

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Write a program to demonstrates the arithmetic operator and their uses.

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Write a program to swap two variable values without using third variable.

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Write a program that demonstrates all the functions of string in java.

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Write a program to sort the elements in array.

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Write a program to search any element in the array and if the element found then display it’s index as well.

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Write a program to reverse the elements.

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Write a program to check whether the entered number is prime or not.

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Write a program to print star pattern.

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Write a program to find out the factorial of any number using recursion

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Write a program to demonstrates the concept of interface .

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Write a program to demonstrate the concept of inheritance.

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Write a program to demonstrate the concept of generics.

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Write a Java program to create a class called Person with private instance

variables name, age. and country. Provide public getter and setter methods

 to access and modify these variables.

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Write a program to print any random value repeatedly

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Thanks !!

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