Data Structure & Algorithm in Java

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Skip List

Importance of Skip List:
import java.util.Random;

class SkipListNode {
    int value;
    SkipListNode[] forward; // Array to hold references to the next nodes in each level

    public SkipListNode(int value, int level) {
        this.value = value;
        this.forward = new SkipListNode[level + 1];

public class SkipList {
    private static final int MAX_LEVEL = 5; // Maximum number of levels in the skip list
    private int level; // Current maximum level of the skip list
    private SkipListNode header; // Header node

    public SkipList() {
        level = 0;
        header = new SkipListNode(Integer.MIN_VALUE, MAX_LEVEL);
        for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_LEVEL; i++) {
            header.forward[i] = null; // Initialize all forward references to null

    // Generate a random level for a new node
    private int randomLevel() {
        Random rand = new Random();
        int level = 0;
        while (rand.nextDouble() < 0.5 && level < MAX_LEVEL) {
        return level;

    // Insert a new node into the skip list
    public void insert(int value) {
        SkipListNode[] update = new SkipListNode[MAX_LEVEL + 1];
        SkipListNode current = header;

        // Find the position to insert the new node
        for (int i = level; i >= 0; i--) {
            while (current.forward[i] != null && current.forward[i].value < value) {
                current = current.forward[i];
            update[i] = current;

        current = current.forward[0];

        // If the node with the given value already exists, do nothing
        if (current == null || current.value != value) {
            int newLevel = randomLevel();

            if (newLevel > level) {
                for (int i = level + 1; i <= newLevel; i++) {
                    update[i] = header;
                level = newLevel;

            // Create a new node with the given value
            SkipListNode newNode = new SkipListNode(value, newLevel);

            // Insert the new node into the skip list
            for (int i = 0; i <= newLevel; i++) {
                newNode.forward[i] = update[i].forward[i];
                update[i].forward[i] = newNode;

    // Search for a value in the skip list
    public boolean search(int value) {
        SkipListNode current = header;
        for (int i = level; i >= 0; i--) {
            while (current.forward[i] != null && current.forward[i].value < value) {
                current = current.forward[i];
        current = current.forward[0];
        return current != null && current.value == value;

    // Display the skip list
    public void display() {
        for (int i = 0; i <= level; i++) {
            SkipListNode current = header.forward[i];
            System.out.print("Level " + i + ": ");
            while (current != null) {
                System.out.print(current.value + " ");
                current = current.forward[i];

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SkipList skipList = new SkipList();

        System.out.println("Skip List after insertion:");

        System.out.println("\nSearch for 12: " +;
        System.out.println("Search for 20: " +;

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