Here is the key explanation of Queue as an ADT:
The queue abstract data type is defined by the following structure and operations. A queue is structured is an ordered collection of items which are added at one end, called the “rear,” and removed from the other end, called the “front.” Queues maintain a FIFO ordering property.
Element insertion is restricted to the back of sequence as queue follows FIFO principal.
The Queue abstract data type (ADT) Supports the following two update methods:
- enqueue(): adds a new item to the rear of the queue. It needs the item and returns nothing.
- dequeue(): removes the front item from the queue. It needs no parameters and returns the item. The queue is modified.
The queue ADT also includes the following accessor methods:
- isEmpty(): tests to see whether the queue is empty. It needs no parameters and returns a boolean value.
- size(): returns the number of items in the queue. It needs no parameters and returns an integer.
- first(): returns the first element of the queue, without removing it.